How Can We Help You, today?
Our philosophy, in our hearts, is to create the best experience for everyone using our system. We’re trying hard to live up to these high expectations. And we are here to make that happen!

Where to start for support?
Before jumping in, why not check out our Frequently Asked Questions page?
You might find exactly what you’re looking for there—we’re updating it constantly with lots of details! You can also search the FAQ directly on the FAQ page, too!
If you still need help, don’t worry—this form is here for all your specific support needs. Or it would be great if you reached out to us for any reason at all!

How Can We Help You?
Just drop us a note at [email protected] or fill out the form below.
Don’t stress—our response time is lightning-fast (under 24 hours!)
And rest assured, your message won’t be answered by a bot pretending to be clever—our support MacGyver (an actual human) is here to help you out!
Some Common Questions We Receive:
One of our favorite features of SpotlessMind is a subtle and half-hidden feature that allows you to request feedback from different people you have worked with to improve your Briefing and make it more accurate.
Great question! The Briefing is our first public product for individual consumers. As of today, it’s the primary product individuals who are free users get.
The one-sentence answer to the question of what is private vs what is public is that “Everything is private, very much so,”–and there are some important footnotes to that that are important to explore. Let’s dive in.
The benefits of using SpotlessMind vary widely, including those both easier to measure and harder to measure. The answer depends on which of the many uses you use SpotlessMind for.
You might be wondering why our support email address isn’t the usual—and boring—“support@“ but instead macgyver@. Is it because that’s the name of our support lead?

Or… if you have another theory—then just drop us an email and let us know your theory. Of course, email us at the email: [email protected]