We’re introverts too, and the good news is that you do not have to share secrets with anyone. Since there’s no one on the other end except an AI (who’s only taking what you say as input and not forcing you to engage in horrible, soul-sucking things like small talk), you’re really talking to yourself. Trust us: it’s far more comfortable than talking to a therapist or Gods forbid, someone at a cocktail party.
Because of this, we built the platform ground up in a privacy-oriented way. Here are a few specific examples of how we incorporate privacy into our approach:
First, nothing about the specifics of what you share (or what others share about you) is ever revealed. It is just input into our platform to help the platform come to an accurate analysis. Feel free to write all about your childhood trauma with your mother–a word of it will never be revealed to anyone.
Secondly, as one of our core principles, you have to approve anything about yourself before it is shared with anyone else. You will see the draft version of the analyses about you—and it includes options to “remix” and to provide input that is then remixed—until you get a final version that you are happy with. You’re not happy with any version? Great, then don’t approve it, and nothing will be finalized or shared. This includes, of course, the enterprise edition; your company won’t see the reports about you until you review and approve them, including remixing them as much as necessary.
Third, sharing the result is entirely optional and up to you. You can use this as a way to learn about yourself and never share it with anyone. You control the sharing. We personally hate those spammers who get your whole address book and spam that guy you met at a bar 15 years ago and haven’t spoken to since, and we don’t do anything of the sort. We just give you a link, and you do with the link as you want.
then check out our FAQ, our support page, or reach out and ask us.
Personality First. The roadmap to how you work at your best. Let’s understand your personality so your teammates can work best with you—to create highly effective teams.