Our system is designed to make it effectively impossible for people to fake answers to game the questions. We do this through a variety of methods, including the following: instead of asking obvious questions with easy-to-guess answers, we ask creative questions that don’t have a right or wrong response. For example, we might ask, “What is the greatest movie of all time? Why do you think so?” Your answer to a question like this tells us a lot about how you think and what you value, and it’s not something people can easily fake.
We also use other methods to prevent the gaming of the system, such as using input from other sources to get a fuller picture, such as the feedback on your behavior from your colleagues, as well, via the colleague questionnaire invitation form.
Our LLM technology is also designed from the ground up to be able to interpret and “read between the lines” of even the unintentional implications of the answers that are given.
While social media was initially considered as a data source, we recognized it often represents a curated version of reality — a “fake best life.” By focusing on thoughtful and revealing questions designed to be effectively impossible to game, we make sure the results reflect the real you.
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Personality First. The roadmap to how you work at your best. Let’s understand your personality so your teammates can work best with you—to create highly effective teams.