Spotless Mind for CXOs

We understand people, and we understand the teams they’re on—and how to make those perform better.
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Turning an average team into a superstar team is not magic; it is understanding the people and how they gel together.

As the size of your company grows, the game of managing so many people changes. The executive team needs to be in strong alignment with itself, and make sure the thousands of others under them all coordinate effectively and in unison. But how is that done—beyond general cliches—when you don’t know, and can’t even possibly know, the thousands of people under you?

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Scaling Team Management by Measuring the Previously-Unmeasurable Characteristics of Individuals

Spotless Mind has a patent-pending solution to this challenge: we allow you to understand each and every individual on your team, with no limit to the scale. One of our various secret sauces, to do so, is to determine which adjectives best describe which individuals—and you can define your own adjectives—to find out who is likely to act or behave or react in the ways you need. And who isn’t.

Among your thousands of team members, find the right ones to get to change as needed

Who are the team members that are overworking? Or underworking? Or likely behave like this, or talk like that? Pinpoint the team members in your company with the personalities that are on or off target, so you can decide what changes to make.

Match people for success

A team might look great “on paper” but reality is always different because papers can not capture our emotions, preferences, and the irrational side of people. And this is what Spotless Mind does for you.

Why Spotless Mind for CXOs?

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Reduce Churn by an order of magnitude—internal and external

Churn is a real cost, both among your clients and internally—and there is a surprisingly easy fix: find people who are good fits to work together, and put them together. And that wasn’t possible to do at scale until Spotless Mind’s Trait Tagging system.

Ready to explore
what's possible?

Learn more about Spotless Mind for CXOs.

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